Thursday 20 October 2011

Gaddafi is Dead: Libya is Free (to/of what?)

In Gaddafi’s, as in Saddam’s or Milosevich’s  “Dictatorships” I always saw some hope of  resistance to the tremendous chivalry of the US Army, to their unstoppable mission of exporting “Democracy and Freedom”, to their incredible generosity in sacrificing their citizen’s lives and billions of dollars with the aim of protecting the oppressed.

Despite the principle of self-determination and the notion of state sovereignty it seems that NATO cannot keep its soldiers at rest and that the best way to employ them is to eradicate any form of government that is not allowing Adam Smith’s Invisible Hand to rule its nation.

I believe today is a sad day, a day in which another stone for the construction of a monopolized and enslaved world has been set. A day in which a nation has lost a dictator simply to fall in the hands (hand) of another one; a day in which (but I should be used to this) only one part of the story has been told.

In the overwhelming media coverage of a Free Libya we are perhaps forgetting to ask ourselves the question “free to what?”. It is free to put itself on the market (the free market) and wait for the Invisible Hand to determine its price, the price of its people, of its resources. And mostly, I believe, we are forgetting that the Invisible Hand is not free, but is controlled by guns, by missiles, by air carriers, by bombs. We are forgetting that from now on the price of these people and of these resources will be artificially kept low by these instruments of prevarication and of domination to ensure the richness of the owners of the instrument.

My sympathy to Libya and its people, who have only lived passing from one domination to an other one, from colonialism, to imperialism.

US Soldier proudly posing with a 16 years old CIVILIAN he
killed FOR FUN in Afghanistan!

P.S. Careful Libya: these are the things that the US troops like to do once they take control of the country: 

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