Tuesday 17 July 2012

The market value of our clicks: Google is not a "free" service!

That Google (or any other search engine) values the information we spontaneously give whenever we perform a search is something that is pretty obvious. But how much is this information really worth? Well, today I found out what the market value is of each and every "click" we make when we are online. 
Today I received an "invitation" via Facebook to open an account on "blurum", an internet-based company that gives you points for letting them know every internet search that you make, every web page that you visit, what your favorite web sites are etc. Basically they collect information about our interests and habits and create a sellable profile of people. In return, you get points, and after collecting a certain amount of points you can spend them on prizes that get sent to you for free. Each prize costs a certain amount of points.
For every web page visited, for every search made or for every favorite web site added to your profile you get 1 point. 
Therefore by dividing the cost of the prizes (they range from an Apple macbook air to Omega watch to household goods) by the number of points necessary to win them one can determine the market value of our clicks. The result: about 0,02 Euros per click! 
... But that's not actually what our clicks are worth.... 0,02 Euros is only what we, as users of blurum, get for them. In fact that company is obviously still making a profit, even after paying the users 2 cents a click. A realistic guess is that the clicks are worth about 4/5 cents each!

By going in "history" on my web browser I can see that I visit every day in average 216 web pages, which makes my daily activity on the net worth about 9.7 Euros!
So as a result one could say that we are paying to use google ~9 Euros a day!

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